Animal Communication

Animal communication is a transfer of information between two living beings by means of images, words, thoughts, emotions

ACE Training

Through this technique, animals learn to dare more, to take confidence, to move better and thus to feel better in their body and mind.


Tellington TTouch® is based on cooperation and respect, it offers a positive approach to training, offers solutions to behavioral and physical problems.

Every single animal we meet touches our lives giving us a special love and a deep experience we never forget.

They are a “gift” for each person who has the fortune to get in touch with them.

Why many relationships between humans and animals are sometimes put in a critical position? Misunderstandings. If we pay attention to  everyday problems in our lives with animals we immediately realize that they often don’t understand what we expect from them and vice versa; besides this, obviously, there are different “genetic” needs.

An Animal a Gift di Valeria Boissier: 
15 Chemin de Miolan 1244 Choulex 
Genève – Suisse